
Please visit my Google Scholar profile for a more up-to-date list.


  1. Improving Intervention Efficacy via Concept Realignment in Concept Bottleneck Models
    Nishad Singhi, Karsten RothJae Myung Kim, and Zeynep Akata
    In European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024


  1. Oral (Top 2%)
    CleanCLIP: Mitigating Data Poisoning Attacks in Multimodal Contrastive Learning
    Hritik Bansal*, Nishad Singhi*, Yu YangFan YinAditya Grover, and Kai-Wei Chang
    In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
  2. Oral
    Toward a normative theory of (self-) management by goal-setting
    Nishad Singhi, Florian MohnertBen Prystawski, and Falk Lieder
    In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2023
  3. Full Paper
    Using Computational Models to Understand the Role and Nature of Valuation Bias in Mixed Gambles
    Nishad Singhi, Sumeet Agarwal, and Sumitava Mukherjee
    In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci), 2023
  4. Motivated With Joy or Anxiety: Does Approach-Avoidance Goal Framing Elicit Differential Reward-Network Activation In The Brain?
    Nishad Singhi, Michiko SakakiKou Murayama, Madoka Matsumoto, Keise Izuma, Yukihito Yomogida, Ayaka Sugiura, Ryuta Aoki, and Kenji Matsumoto
    In Psychologie und Gehirn, 2023